If you have been surfing the world wide web for any length of time you have to have come across ads for webcam sites. They are often plastered all over the right side of just about every kind of pornographic content out there. I might even have something to the right of this post. Webcams and adult dating are what fuel the ability to watch free porn on the internet. Everything is advertising based as far as business models go. Being that the net is open to anyone you can get in on this craze too.
Dating Gold has some awesome Webcam affiliate programs and they also cover dating as well. With one company you can make some serious dough in a variety of ways. When it comes to webcams you can recruit models for huge one time fees. You can also run your own webcam studio to make mad bank each month on a recurring basis.
If those previous examples are too in your face for the kind of person you are there are other ways like creating a blog like mine and then putting ads on it. If you have any writing skills at all this might be the best option.
Make 2014 the year you change your life with webcams and affiliate marketing over the internet!