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Posted By Rhino on 11/01/14 - Bookmark Butt Bender

4k porn movies

If you have never heard of 4K porn videos you are in for a real treat. This new technology is going to change how people watch their porn. While HDTV’s have stopped at 1080p computers, laptops and even some mobile phones have long surpassed that screen resolution. The mainstream industries are all thinking about 2K as an introduction to a better technology, but not the porn industry. As usual they are jumping into the future of porn with both feet and making a big time leap into 4K streaming technology.

HD Porn Reviews has a growing list of companies who are now shooting and releasing porn in this new format. Those with 20+ inch monitors will really enjoy seeing the extreme clarity of this new format. Warning: you will need a powerful graphics card and a lot of screen real estate to truly enjoy this extreme level of clarity!


As you can see 4K has over 4 times the number of pixels as 1080p. Screen grabs never do the video formats justice, but that picture above is pretty darn clear for a screenshot you have to admit!

Stay tuned to for more exciting updates!

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