I was surfing the internet looking for some quality big asses to post for my friends, and honestly I was having a tough time. Either through personal choices to stay away from certain popular sites or by the fact that every chick I kept coming across made me feel skinny. being that i am 6’3’ and 325 lbs that is no easy feat. Then I ran across Big Tits, Curvy Asses.
It was a fresh revelation and something that I had to share right away. The great thing about Big Tits, Curvy Asses is that it is not one dimensional, it isn’t a bunch of plastic chicks or Rosie O’donnel types. Now I posted Lauren Habib mostly because I love this picture, but also because I have never heard of a Brazilian chick named Habib.
The name Lauren Habib is very interesting for a Brazilian babe, but it seems fitting for this site. There are so many different types of women on Big Tits, Curvy Asses that it is sure to have your pleasure. It also features some of my favorite big ass and big tittied girls. There is Cherokee D’Ass, Teen Paris Milan and even Club Katrin an many other names that you would recognize for these niches. So let me finish by saying enjoy.