Sometimes I feel like watching a bitch get spanked, fucked, choked and spewied on. Other times I don’t. Once in a while I don’t want some dudes ass and balls in my porn. I just want the bitches.
When I am in one of those moods my favorite place to be is Joi Ryda.
Well, because I want authentic booty. Not some bullshit made up bitch with fake everything. Joi Ryda is full of thick booty amateurs. The kind of booty you can sink your cock into.
Yes I know… Joi Ryda is one of the most amateur looking sites I have ever reviewed. But that is also one of its main selling points. You haven’t seen these ladies before because this guy gets em off of the street. No more finding the same bitches day in and day out.
Plus, for those times you do wanna see some bitch getting her insides rearranged by mandango meat you get access to their entire network. Every site is full of amateurs, but most of them aren’t laid out so amateurish like Joi Ryda.
Check it out and see why amateur stuff is a nice vacation from the other norm.
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