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Posted By Rhino on 09/01/06 - Bookmark Butt Bender
Phat Booty Brazil

Fuck can you tell that she has one of those phat brazilian bootys. Just look at the way her ass looks, she only has a hand full of tits but that is okay because what she lacks up top she makes up down below just look at her the way her long legs connect to that perfect round ass.

I have been to Brazil so many times and the thing that always brings me back is the phat booty brazil has there is so many hot bitches walking around in thongs on the beaches, and I dont mean the sandals. If you have not been there its like being at the beach all the time even when your in the city, with weather like that you know all these bitches have those perfect tans all the time. Just check out and I promiss that you will see nothing but bronze honey’s with some huge asses.

The best thing about phat booty brazil is you dont have to pay all kinds of money to go and check out the many hot whores that live in Brazil. Fuck it only cost less then $1 dollar a day to see the same bitches that I paid tones of money to see. is the only site on the net that gives you just hot latin women. Not only that but you also get access to 18 more sites that is over 145 additional videos, including live webcams and tons of pics. So if you want some phat brazilian booty and dont want to be stupid like me then just sing up the one of the hottest sites ont the net


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Posted By Rhino on 08/17/06 - Bookmark Butt Bender
bouble butt bonanza

To things come to mind when you see the picture of Flower. The first is that she has one of the roundest juicest asses I have ever seen and the second is that the Flower looks like Brittney Spears.

If you dont think they look alike just check out Brittney Spears nude on and come back and check out Flower at boubble butt

Infact I rather have Flower then Brittney any way just for the simple reason that Brittney as fine as she was, she does not and never will have such a nice ass like Flower. I dont remember Brittney doing a site like and that is cuz only bitches with those boubble butts, the kind that you cant wait to stick your cock deep into them.

So if you want to see the finest booties ever and see them grindin and riding some serious cock then check out boubble butt

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Posted By Rhino on 08/15/06 - Bookmark Butt Bender
phat booty hoes

Oh shit look at that ass, that is one phat ass. That ass belongs to Dominqe and as you can all see baby has back.

See at phat booty is the home of the hottest, brown and round bootys on the net. All the girls on are exclusively shot for this site only. If you like some big booty then you this site is for you.

Just like the guys at phaty booty I like big butts and I can not lie, theres nothing like a fresh and juicy brown booty. I dont care what they say I still think that the sistas have those monster asses. I know that hey have phat white but those bitches dont have any thing on the girls of for some reason.

Phat booty has a very good bonus offer of 24 sites for the price of 1 and that shit is 100% phat ass deal. For less then a $1 dollar a day you get all the phat booty hoes out there.

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Posted By Rhino on 08/09/06 - Bookmark Butt Bender
bigtits roundasses

Heaven must be missing a Angel because this blonde has it all going on. This is Angel and as you can see she has a very large ass, and the best part is she also has huge tits. That is why you can only find Angel on this site and this site only big tits round, that is what makes this a great site.

You see I love me some ass and the best ass is usualy on a thick chick and that is exactly what Angel is. That means she has a little meat on her bones but that meat is in all the right places. I dont know why you would want to fuck some skinny bitch that when you start to pound her its almost like your going to break the bitch I rather fuck Angel. So why not have some cushin for the pushin. We all know that finding a girl that has bothn a huge ass and a huge rack is nearly impossible, especially one that is all natural.

Big tits round has exactly the type of girl I have been describing and better ones then that. The best thing about is that it cost less then 1 dollar a day and they give you a new update every week.

So if you want a girl with both T&A then you should for sure check out bigtits

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Posted By Rhino on 08/08/06 - Bookmark Butt Bender
40 inch plus dary

Ah shit theres nothing as sexy as fish net stockings on nice round ass, dont believe me check out Darby on

Ass you can all see darby has a juicy ass and if you have any doubt that she has a huge ass just take a look at the measuring tape around it. It reads 42 inches and counting that is what I call some ass. I have always been an ass man. There is nothing like a slut with an ass that bounces as she walks.

Darby is one of the many Models on 40 inch that has a bodacious booty. Its actually a requirement hence the name of the site With mouth watering rumps all of these big booty hoes are ready take some big dick.

40inchplus is a 100% original site, they have the best girls with the perfectly shaped asses. The have this obsession to find the girl with the roundest ass around so that leads them to have updates on a weekly basis.

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